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What's On At Cork Church? App
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Sunday Services
pastor nick cassidy - hallelujah! What A saviour! - (23.03.25)
pastor nick cassidy - don’t give up; you’re on the brink of a miracle - (16.03.25)
pastor nick cassidy - you build my house and i’ll build yours - (09.03.25)
Pastor nick cassidy - mind his business - (02.03.25)
pastor larry hill - dead things come alive - (23.02.25)
pastor patrick dobbin - sword play - (16.02.25)
pastor nick cassidy - there’s more to your journey - (09.02.25)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - He’s Not For Turning - (02.02.25)
pastor nick cassidy - finding your edge again - (26.01.25)
pastor larry hill - christ of the crisis - (19.01.25)
pastor nick cassidy - as weak as water - (12.01.25)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Breaking Free Of The Past - (05.01.25)
pastor patrick dobbin - the writing is on the wall - (29.12.24)
pastor nick cassidy - mary’s journey to christmas is our journey too - (15.12.24)
pastor nick cassidy - the journey to christmas is special - (08.12.24)
pastor pete spackman - it’s just the beginning - (24.11.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - and suddenly - (17.11.24)
gospel service - this is my story (part 17) - (10.11.24
pastor carter conlon - when unbelief finds it’s voice - (03.11.24)
pastor nick cassidy - reformation sunday - (27.10.24)
pastor nick cassidy - how could he marry her? - (20.10.24)
pastor neil rhodes - the making of a leader - (13.10.24)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Shouldn’t I Feel Sorry For Such A Great City! - (06.10.24)
pastor sam moreland - where do you stand? - (29.09.24)
pastor jay fallon - cry out again - (22.09.24)
pastor nick cassidy - it’s worth shouting for joy - (15.09.24)
pastor nick cassidy - I have nothing! but! - (08.09.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - the 9th beatitude - (01.09.24)
gospel service - this is my story (part 16) - (25.08.24)
pastor larry hill - the adversary without - (18.08.24)
pastor larry hill - the life within - (11.08.24)
pastor Patrick dobbin - inside out - (04.08.24)
pastor nick cassidy - we would see jesus - (28.07.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - heart for the house - (21.07.24)
pastor nick cassidy - i will praise him again - (14.07.24)
pastor nick Cassidy - I am willing - (07.07.24)
pastor eoin o’sullivan - there is hope for ireland - (30.06.24)
pastor nick cassidy - a cry that causes god to stand still - (23.06.24)
pastor lee mcclelland - are you with me? - (16.06.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - stepping out of the shadows - (09.06.24)
Pastor Larry Hill - What’s In A Name? - (02.06.24)
pastor sam moreland - driftwood - (26.05.24)
pastor david purse - a place to go in a time of need - (19.05.24)
pastor nick cassidy - struck once; but never again! - (12.05.24)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Fight For Fellowship - (05.05.24)
gospel service - this is my story: Part 15 - (28.04.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - like a moth to the flame - (21.04.24)
pastor nick cassidy - give thanks (but give more) - (14.04.24)
Pastor Nick cassidy - Standing Strong In Your Christian Identity - (07.04.24)
pastor nick cassidy - the life of faith will endure the shock of death - (31.03.24)
pastor larry hill - the giving away of god - (24.03.24)
pastor nick cassidy - the noble church - (17.03.24)
pastor nick cassidy - the delighting woman - (10.03.24)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Matrix Within - (03.03.24)
pastor nick cassidy - hope for the church - (25.02.24)
gospel service - this is my story: part 14 - (18.02.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - the prayer of jabez (finding prosperity in your pain) - (11.02.24)
pastor Larry hill - the message of the cross - (04.02.24)
pastor nick cassidy - it’s time to sing a new song again! - (28.01.24)
Pastor nick cassidy - i wish 2024 is better - (21.01.24)
Pastor nick cassidy - in the 14th day of the first month - (14.01.24)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Hope For 2024 (I Didn’t See That Coming) - (07.01.24)
pastor jay fallon - because he lives - (31.12.23)
pastor nick cassidy - i can die in peace - (24.12.23)
The greatest story ever told - cork church christmas production - (17.12.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - Verbum Caro Factum Est (The Word Became Flesh) - (10.12.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Publicising The Miracle - (03.12.23)
pastor nick cassidy - as for me and my house - (26.11.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - israel (A battle of a different kind) - (19.11.23)
pastor paul hackett - you feed them - (12.11.23)
Pastor Eoin O’Sullivan - Journeying With Jesus - (05.11.23)
Pastor sam moreland - crushing satan’s head - (29.10.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - twinkling ornament - (22.10.23)
Gospel service - this is my story: part 13 - (15.10.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Today i stand (the power of momentum) - (08.10.23)
Pastor NICK CASSIDY - Too Precious To Have A Price Tag - (01.10.23)
pastor mike mcbride - victory for the church - (24.09.23)
pastor patrick dobbin - how to get the joy of the lord - (17.09.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - don’t wait for years - (10.09.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Above All Else Guard Your Heart - (03.09.23)
pastor larry hill - our graves are gateways: part 2 - (27.08.23)
pastor larry hill - our graves are gateways - (20.08.23)
Pastor jay fallon - prayer changes things - (13.08.23)
Pastor Barry Rogers - The Great Invitation - (06.08.23)
gospel service - this is my story: part 12 - (30.07.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - looking forward to going home - (23.07.23)
pastor nick cassidy - service which is perfect freedom - (16.07.23)
Pastor Nick cassidy - his cause his victory - (09.07.23)
Pastor Matt Poole - Prayer In The Darkness - (02.07.23)
pastor Nick Cassidy - The Samson Enigma - (25.06.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - victory of covenant submission - (18.06.23)
Pastor Sam moreland - vessels - (11.06.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Resting In God’s Hand Of Providence - (04.06.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - superfood - (28.05.23)
Pastor paul hackett - I press on - (21.05.23)
Pastor larry hill - you don’t always get what you deserve - (14.05.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Leaving Nazareth (Defeating Disappointment) - 07.05.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Carry My Bones - (30.04.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - love gives - (23.04.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - From Issues to influence - (16.04.23)
Pastor Nick cassidy - it’s a big deal - (09.04.23)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Other Side Of Trouble - (02.04.23)
Gospel Service - This is my story: Part 11 - (26.03.23)
Pastor david purse - my times are in your hands - (19.03.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Lethe Of God’s Grace - (12.03.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Why Die In A Wilderness? - (05.03.23)
Pastor Larry Hill - The inside story of the cross - (26.02.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Moving out Of unbelief - (19.02.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - bound to christ and bound to win - (12.02.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - There Is Always A Way Back To A Prodigal Father - (05.02.23)
Pastor Aidan Cassidy - Redemption That Leads to deliverance - (29.01.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Ceilings (Break on through to the other side) - (22.01.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - not for me but for thee - (15.01.23)
Pastor Larry Hill - The YEar Of Decision - (08.01.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Right Of Redemption Is Yours - (01.01.23)
Christmas Day Service 2022 - (25.12.22)
There Must be more! - Cork church christmas production - (18.12.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Till Christ Be Formed In You - (14.12.22)
Pastor Jay Fallon - God Is With Us - (04.12.22)
Pastor nick cassidy - don’t be afraid to give (27.11.22)
Pastor larry hill - the daniel prayer - (20.11.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - hope for the wise - (13.11.22)
Pastor Neil Rhodes - Rendezvous - (06.11.22)
Pastor nick cassidy - defenders of truth - (30.10.22)
Pastor nick cassidy - keep it simple (stupid) - (23.10.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - What Godly people do when bad things happen - (16.10.22)
This Is my story: part 10 - Gospel service - (09.10.22)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Wildness & Sweetness Of God’s Word - (02.10.22)
Pastor nick cassidy - christian characteristics - (25.09.22)
Pastor Nick cassidy - sunday morning at cork church - (18.09.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A Touch Of The Master’s Hand - (11.09.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Offended With Christ - (04.09.22)
Pastor Sam Moreland - No Short Hand - (28.08.22)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Wick Trimmer - (21.08.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - LEAD: Session Two (Talk To Yourself, Don’t Listen To Yourself") - (14.08.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Overcoming Regret (There Is Hope In Failure) - (07.08.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A New Covenant: Part 3 - (31.07.22)
Pastor Ciaran & Tracy Buckley - Embrace The Call - (24.07.22)
Michael & Rocky Beene - Faith In Action - (17.07.22)
Pastor Barry Rogers - Samuel & The Church - (10.07.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Greatness Is Believing God Alone - (03.07.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Fill Me Again - (26.06.22)
Pastor Tim Moreland - Celebrating The Day I Died - (19.06.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - How To Hear From God (I’ll See You There) - (12.06.22)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Jesus - (05.06.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The Equaliser - (29.05.22)
Pastor Eoin O’Sullivan - A Donkey’s Destiny - (22.05.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - New Covenant: Part Two - (15.05.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - New Covenant: Part One - (08.05.22)
Pastor Larry Hill - Rescued From The Invader - (01.05.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Captive To Hope - (24.04.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Resurrection Sunday - (17.04.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Hope Will Not Disappoint - (10.04.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Persuaded - (03.04.22)
Pastor Pete Spackman - The Astonishing One - (27.03.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - New Vision For A New People - (20.03.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Spiritual Awakening - (13.03.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - He Ain’t Heavy, That’s My Brother - (06.03.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Restoring The Waste Places - (20.02.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Woe To Those Who Are At Ease In Zion - (13.02.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Normal Christian Life - (06.02.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Healing Is In The House - (30.01.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Prayer, Faith, Courage & Action - (23.01.22)
Pastor Larry Hill - Perseverance - (16.01.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - A Call To Cultivate Faithfulness - (09.01.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Antidotes To Anxieties - (02.01.22)
A Thrill Of Hope: Part 2 - (26.12.21)
A Thrill Of Hope - (19.12.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - See That You Are Not Troubled - (12.12.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - It’s Time To Throw In The Towel - (05.12.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 9 - (28.11.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A Time For Rehearsal - (21.11.21)
Pastor Hamp sirmans - Finding Faith Where Your Dreams Have Died - (14.11.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Pathway To Life - (07.11.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Power Of Joy - (31.10.21)
Pastor Andrew Jackson - He’s Got This - (24.10.21)
Pastor Mike McBride - The Amazing Jew - (19.10.21)
Pastor Larry Hill - The King Has One More Move - (10.10.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Don’t Listen To Wasters - (03.10.21)
Pastor Jay Fallon - When God Answers Your Prayer Differently - (26.09.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Total Recall: Pt. 2 - (19.09.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Total Recall - (12.09.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Wholeheartedly - (05.09.21)
Pastor Sam Moreland - Only Believe - (29.08.21)
Pastor Larry Hill - A Red Letter Day - (22.08.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Let Patience Have Her Work - (15.08.21)
Pastor Aidan Cassidy - The Ultimate Atonement - (08.08.21)
Pastor Barry Rogers - The Faithfulness Of God - (01.08.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Claiming A Total Victory - (25.07.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - An Unlikely Hero - (18.07.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 8 - (11.07.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Embracing A Lifestyle Of Generosity - (04.07.21)
Pastor Paul Hackett - God Is Always In Control - (27.06.21)
Pastor Mike McBride - Think About The Cross - (20.06.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - It’s Time to Rejoice, Your Steps are ordered of god - (13.06.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 7 - (06.06.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Not A Patch On Christ - (30.05.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Ordinary Men Empowered - (23.05.21)
Pastor Teresa Conlon - Don’t Go Back - (16.05.21)
Pastor Larry Hill - He Is The Waymaker (Psalms 31) - (09.05.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 6 - (02.05.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Mystery Hid From Ages - (25.04.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Concealed & Revealed - (18.04.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The 9th Blood Group - (11.04.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Revelations Of The Resurrection [Easter Sunday] - (04.04.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Left Or Right? [Palm Sunday] - (28.03.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 5 - (21.03.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A Testimony To Mums - (14.03.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - How to deal with disappointment - (07.03.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Shaken, Stirred, & Surrendered - (28.02.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 4 - (21.02.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Speak To The Rock - (14.02.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - You Are A Prisoner Of Hope - (07.02.21)
Pastor Carter Conlon - The King Is seeking A bride - (31.01.21)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 3 - (24.01.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - All Eyes On Him - (17.01.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Sacred Serendipity - (10.01.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - It’s Always The Right Time - (03.01.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Go Tell That Fox - I’ll Finish What I Started - (27.12.20)
Family Christmas Service - (20.12.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Jesus: No Ordinary King - (13.12.20)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story: Part 2 - (06.12.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - You Need A Second Wind - (29.11.20)
Pastor Sam Moreland - Call Upon The Lord - (22.11.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Don’t Miss The Point - (15.11.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Releasing The Aroma Of Grace - (08.11.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - The Throne Of Grace (How To Find Courage) - (01.11.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Stranded Saints - (25.10.20)
Gospel Service - This Is My Story - (18.10.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Keep Your Hand On The Plow - (11.10.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - There Is An Invitation - (04.10.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Pursue, Overtake & Recover - (27.09.20)
Pastor Mike McBride - God Of The Now - (20.09.20)
pastor Nick Cassidy - There is a balm in Gilead - (13.09.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Step In To The River - (06.09.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Remember - (30.08.20)
Pastor Barry Rogers - Watch. Believe. Trust. - (23.08.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Stop Shrinking - (16.08.20)
Pastor Sam moreland - run the race - (09.08.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Learning to love your brethren (even from a distance) - (02.08.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Oil Is In The House - (26.07.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - he alone is our inheritance - (19.07.20)
pastor nick Cassidy - Just one more time - (12.07.20)
pastor nick Cassidy - Valley of trouble into a doorway of hope - (05.07.20)
Pastor Sam moreland - Keep Yourself In the love of god - (28.06.20)
pastor nick Cassidy - Father’s Day 2020 - (21.06.20)
PASTOR NICK CASSIDY - Easter Sunday (12.04.20)
Pastor NICK CASSIDY - Enter into your inheritance - (08.09.19)
Pastor Mike McBride - The joy of our eternal future - (01.09.19)
Pastor Larry hill - How We handle change & transition - (25.08.19)
Pastor Sam Moreland - No chance - (18.08.19)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The third temple (a temple without walls) - (04.08.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Pentecost sunday 2019 - (09.06.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Surrender to the potter - (02.06.19)
BUTCH HEATH - Developing our families with a christian perspective - (19.05.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Don’t get offended - (12.05.19)
Pastor Paul phillips - Stability in the church -(05.05.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy- A testimony to Nick Cassidy Sr. (audio only) - (28.04.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Easter Sunday 2019 - (21.04.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - What I do when i’m DISAPPOINTED - (14.04.19)
Pastor Mike McBride - Living in peace in the midst of trouble - (07.04.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Mother’s Day - (31.03.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Wherever you are, God’s with you - (24.03.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - I almost slipped - (17.03.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Deliver from cycles and into seasons - (10.03.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Stand to make jesus great - (03.03.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Belonging To Jesus - (24.02.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Go to the king - (17.02.19)
Pastor Aidan Cassidy - Cleanse Your Conscience of dead works - (10.02.19)
Pastor Larry Hill - Things above - (03.02.19)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Let it go to let it grow - (27.01.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Life of liberty & freedom - (13.01.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Immense Salvation - (09.12.18)
Eoin O’Sullivan - 5 Characteristics of the nature of god - (02.12.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy- He Will bring you through - (25.11.18)
Pastor Teresa Conlon - Freedom From Longstanding Strongholds
- (18.11.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Just WIll Live By Faith - (04.11.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Flesh Wars against the spirit - (21.10.18)