

In our Kids Ministry at Cork Church, you can expect your child to learn the importance of prayer, engage in worship; as well as hear stories from the Bible that teach them who God is. Also our Kids Ministry offers age appropriate teaching methods as well as a safe environment that engages the imagination and hearts of children through small groups where kids can ask questions & grow in their faith. Kids (Jr. Infants - 5th Class) meet every Sunday during the Sunday Service as well as every Wednesday at 7:15pm during the Midweek Service. We also have a Preschool Class for all 3 and 4 year olds available on Sundays Only.


Young Saints

Young Saints is the Youth Ministry of Cork Church. We exist to facilitate the equipping, spiritual development and growth of the teenagers from our church and to see them step into their God-given purpose on this earth; to worship, glorify and make known the God that created and loves them. Our programme runs every Friday night from 7pm-9:30pm where we hang out, worship together and open up the word of God. Our dedicated team of leaders, led by Pastor Ben, are passionate about helping and supporting our young people as they go navigate teenage life. If you have a teenager that would like to come along then don’t hesitate to bring them to be a part of our family!

Follow us on Instagram!


Young Adults

You are invited to Young adults @ Cork church. We are a group of 18-30 somethings that meet every Sunday at 6:30pm in Cork church Connolly Hall. We come in all shapes and sizes (dad bods welcome!) different colours, languages and nationalities, but we all have something in common. Our lives have been changed by the love of God. That just means we have a real relationship with God through Jesus; who He is and what He has done for us. Don't worry, we aren't weird! We are normal people! We love coffee, banter, take away (a bit too much!) music, movies, culture and connecting. But we love and value people most of all, because God does. 
You should come along, see for yourself.
Make a connection. Be a part of it.
Hope to see you!

For events, news and updates -
Check out our Facebook page or follow us on Instagram!

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Sisterhood at Cork Church - All ages, all backgrounds, all cultures; this is where women belong! As a ministry, our desire is to see women find joy and liberty in Christ, and out of that joy, to be a blessing to those around them in their worlds.  The Lord wants to use us as His Body by uplifting each other when we’re down, bearing one another’s burdens when we feel we can not go on, and rejoicing together at all times. 

Follow us on Instagram to stay up to date on our Socials & Events! 



Esta é a nossa página em português aqui na Igreja de Cork. Nós esperamos que você encontre nesta página as informações necessárias para tornar a sua comunhão aqui conosco a mais agradável possível. Em caso de dúvidas, não deixe de nos procurar. Será um grande prazer poder lhe assistir naquilo que for possível. Estamos aqui para lhe ser útil. Todas as quintas-feiras às 19h30.

Siga-nos no Instagram para mais detalhes:



KABAYAN, ARE YOU HOMESICK? This is the place for you to feel home away from home.

Join us on the second Sunday of each month at 1:30pm.

There is a warm welcome for our fellow kababayans; with food, friendship and the love of Christ. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram for more details.

Halika na at magpuri sa Kanya ng sama-sama!



Наша українська служба кожної третя неділя місяця о 13:30. Приєднуйтесь до нас для їжі, спілкування, поклоніння та Слова.

слідкуйте за нами на Facebook та Instagram



Are you and your family new from India and looking for community? We would love to connect with you!

Join us on the last Sunday of every month at 6pm in Carrigaline. Follow us on Instagram to get more information.



Let’s come together & pray for the needs around us!


Join us for our Prayer Meeting every Monday on Zoom! Check our Facebook Page for the Zoom Code & we will see you there!


Join us for a time of prayer every Thursday at 12:30pm in person or online on the ‘Prayer Life At Cork Church’ page here or Youtube!


Join us for intercessory prayer every Sunday morning in the Cafe before our Sunday Service!