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What's On At Cork Church? App
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Midweek Services
pastor wes norris - new mercies are for you - (26.03.25)
dara o’sullivan - graves into gardens - (19.03.25)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Win Upon Waking: Part 2 (The Power Of Agreement) - (12.03.25)
pastor patrick dobbin - Win Upon Waking: Pt 1 (No Sweat) - (26.02.25)
pastor patrick dobbin - paradigm shift - (12.02.25)
Ben Atkins - Not How But Who - (05.02.25)
pastor patrick dobbin - storm survival 101 - (29.01.25)
pastor stephen mcbride - who is the rich man? - (22.01.25)
dara o’sullivan - dealing with the root of unhappiness - (15.01.25)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Take It All Back - (08.01.25)
pastor stephen mcbride - have a simeon christmas - (18.12.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - bitter to better - (11.12.24)
pastor nick Cassidy - pressed down - (04.12.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - you! yes! You! - (27.11.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - pain at nain - (20.11.24)
pASTOR Paul hackett - let your light shine - (13.11.24)
Dara O’Sullivan - He Gives Sight To The Blind Spectator - (06.11.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - you need this - (30.10.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - invest! invest! invest! - (23.10.24)
pastor neil rhodes - walking in the spirit - (16.10.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - anticipating grace - (09.10.24)
Dara O’Sullivan - Joseph (Bring Benjamin!) - (02.10.24)
jess oller - jesus: our jubilee - (25.09.24)
pastor paul hackett - keep pressing on - (18.09.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - why am i going through this? - (11.09.24)
dara o’sullivan - Joseph: God’s recompense - (04.09.24)
ben atkins - breaking through the wall - (28.08.24)
dara o’sullivan - anchors in the storm - (21.08.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - the safeguard - (14.08.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - lesson of the loaves - (31.07.24)
andy fynn - dealing with betrayers - (24.07.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - pride & seek - (17.07.24)
dara o’sullivan - four perspectives on the lord’s return - (10.07.24)
Parker Jones - More Than Enough - (03.07.24)
pastor eoin o’sullivan - you will see greater - (26.06.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - the ministry of comfort - (19.06.24)
pastor viet le - one way love - (12.06.24)
Pastor Stephen McBride - A ‘Fishing’ Calling - (05.06.24)
jess oller - standing next to hope - (29.05.24)
dara o’sullivan - joseph (ready to answer) - (22.05.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - keeping up appearances (back to gold) - (15.05.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - the second mile stretch - (08.05.24)
Dara O’Sullivan - Joseph (Alone With God) - (01.05.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - losing jesus - (24.04.24)
pastor stephen mcbride - stones or bread - (17.04.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - beyond adullam (safe spaces, strongholds & songs) - (10.04.24)
Dara O’Sullivan - Joseph (The Plan Of God Revealed) - (03.04.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - hang up your hangups - (27.03.24)
pastor nick cassidy - happily ever after - (20.03.24)
Pastor stephen mcbride - a crossroads called ‘disappointment’ - (13.03.24)
Pastor John Ramos - Defeating Giants - (06.03.24)
dara o’sullivan - joseph - the foundation of love - (28.02.24)
Andy Fynn - An ambassador, an embassy, a mandate and a power - (21.02.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - shake it off - (14.02.24)
Pastor stan jouk - know his heart for you - (07.02.24)
Pastor stephen mcbride - “blessed are” - (31.01.24)
Pastor patrick dobbin - limp in the light - (24.01.24)
Dara O’Sullivan - The Front Line Of The Heart - (10.01.24)
pastor patrick dobbin - i didn’t know you had it in you - (20.12.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Fostering Jesus - (13.12.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - It’s Not Over - (06.12.23)
Andy Fynn - Blow The trumpet in the dark - (29.11.23)
Pastor stephen mcbride - the way to wellness - (22.11.23)
Pastor john ramos - do not be discouraged - (15.11.23)
pastor samuel francis - family of families - (08.11.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - Remember Who You Were; Know Who You Are - (01.11.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Ask him - (25.10.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - stepping into the new - (18.10.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - Waking up to the fear of the lord - (11.10.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Mud And Light - (04.10.23)
pastor nick cassidy - hiding in plain view - (27.09.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - navigating difficult relationships - (20.09.23)
pastor stephen mcbride - the greatest - (13.09.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - The Active Christian - (06.09.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - overcoming people hurt - (30.08.23)
Pastor stephen mcbride - not dead but sleeping - (23.08.23)
Pastor John Ramos - the three crosses of calvary - (16.08.23)
Ben Atkins + Latvian Missions Team - Youth Night - (09.08.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Hiding - (02.08.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - character & Power - (26.07.23)
pastor stephen mcbride - the gift that keeps on giving - (19.07.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - the rest of the gospel - (12.07.23)
Pastor Matt Poole - Gospel Night - (05.07.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Why bad things happen to good grapes - (28.06.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - A Different Person - (21.06.23)
Pastor stephen mcbride - the ‘witness’ - (14.06.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - God’s School Of Failure - (07.06.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - breaking the cycle - (31.05.23)
Pastor stephen Mcbride - an uncomfortable anointing - (24.05.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - Revolution Calling - (17.05.23)
Pastor patrick dobbin - Silencing The Voice Of Failure - (10.05.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - 7 Miles Through The Scriptures - (03.05.23)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A Generous Father, Son & Church - (26.04.23)
Pastor stephen mcbride - a stone’s throw further - (19.04.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - Follow The signs for the best food - (12.04.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - What To Do When Your Strength Is Gone - (05.04.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Taking The Towel - (29.03.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - El Roi (the god who sees me) it’s time to stop running - (22.03.23)
Dara o’sullivan - the two unveiling - (15.03.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Prison Break - (08.03.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - There Is A Balm In Gilead (How Are You Coping?) - (01.03.23)
Pastor Stephen Mcbride - abel to finish well - (22.02.23)
dara o’sullivan - from trauma to triumph - (15.02.23)
Pastor nick cassidy - why does god leave so many enemies - (08.02.23)
Andy Fynn - At The Same Place Again; But I Am Different - (01.02.23)
Dara O’Sullivan - God’s Course correction - (18.01.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - The puzzle of the missing peace - (11.01.23)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - How To Have A Happy New Year - (04.01.23)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Christmas A-Mail From Heaven - (21.12.22)
Dara O’Sullivan - The Ongoing battle - (14.12.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Finding Satisfaction In Life (There’s Honey In The Rock) - (07.12.22.)
Pastor nick cassidy - God In The Hands Of Angry Sinners - (30.11.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - How to experience lasting change - (23.11.22)
Pastor Stephen Mcbride - The king’s Prison - (16.11.22)
Pastor Neil Rhodes - Finding True Treasure - (09.11.22)
Andy Boucher - Same God - (02.11.22)
Dara o’sullivan - christian beauty treatment - (26.10.22)
Pastor Jack Tinney - Devotion - (12.10.22)
Pastor Paul Hackett - Stop - (05.10.22)
Dara O’Sullivan - Rejoice In The Lord Always - (28.09.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Secret Of Happiness - (21.09.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - React - (07.09.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - The Worshipping Life - (31.08.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Lead : Session Three - (17.08.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - LEAD: Session One - (10.08.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A Midweek Teaching - (27.07.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - What Do You Reckon? - (20.07.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Freedom From The Past, Confidence For The Future - (13.07.22)
Dara O’Sullivan - The Uncomfortable Journey Of Faith - (06.07.22)
Pastor Aidan Cassidy - Midweek With Pastor Aidan - (29.06.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Feed Jerusalem - (22.06.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - A Covenant Thought - (15.06.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Don’t Eat From The Wrong Table - (08.06.22)
Isaac Ward - Defender Of The Weak - (01.06.22)
Andy Fynn - Why Things Have To Go Wrong - (25.05.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - A Seat At The Table - (18.05.22)
Ben Atkins - Get With The Programme - (11.05.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Maybe My Mountain Is Me? (Your Greatest Barrier To Blessing) - (04.05.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Don’t Die At Ai - (27.04.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Shaped By Mercy - (20.04.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The Power Of Mercy [Consider The Cross] - (13.04.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - What Words Are These? - (06.04.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - It Should Not Be Forgotten - (30.03.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Speak Life - (23.03.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - The Second Sign - (16.03.22)
Elijah Shinga & Gareth Hayes - From Conflict To Mission - (09.03.22)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Authentic Lenten Fast - (02.03.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - It’s Time To Move - (16.02.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - His Grace Is Sufficient - (09.02.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Leaving And Cleaving - (02.02.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Bring Them To Jesus - (19.01.22)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Three D’s About Jesus To Help Us Through Troubling Times - (12.01.22)
Pastor Stephen McBride - All We Have - (05.01.22)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Don’t Go Through Christmas On Empty - (22.12.21)
Pastor Stephen McBride - In The Waiting Room - (15.12.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Surprised By Grace - (8.12.21)
Pastor Larry Hill - God’s Tasting Menu - (01.12.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Free From Pig Headed Religion - (24.11.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Where There’s A Will, There’s A Way - (17.11.21)
Pastor Stephen McBride - A LOT Of Issues - (10.11.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - The People Of The Cross - (03.11.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Hidden Crosses - (27.10.21)
Pastor Andrew Jackson - When God’s Watch Seems Broken - (20.10.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - When Will You See Them? - (13.10.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - A Letter From Heaven To You - (06.10.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Secret Counsel Of God - (29.09.21)
Pastor Stephen McBride - According To The Spirit - (22.09.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Welcome To The Father’s House - (15.09.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - The Way of The Dragon & The Way of the Lamb - (08.09.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Finding Confidence In Uncertain Times - (01.09.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Patience For Your Own Humanity - (25.08.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Fan Into Flames The Gift That Is In You - (18.08.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Endurance: A New Mindset - (11.08.21)
Andy Fynn - Keeping Our Eyes On Jesus & Hearing The Cry - (04.08.21)
Pastor Larry Hill - The God Of Grace - (28.07.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Disappearing Saints - (21.07.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Money, Wife And Taxes - (14.07.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - How To Experience Change - (07.07.21)
Andy Fynn - The Greatest Love Story In 3 Parts - (30.06.21)
Pastor Tim Moreland - Getting There Is All That Matters - (23.06.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Putting Down The Past - (16.06.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - THe Joy Of Living On God’s Timetable - (09.06.21)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Hope Is To Life - (02.06.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Making Room For A Miracle - (26.05.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - From Rejection To Rest - (19.05.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Stepping Towards Mercy - (12.05.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - He’s On The Way - (05.05.21)
Pastor Stephen McBride - I’m Going Fishing! - (28.04.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Glory Of The Encounter - (21.04.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Encounter: Give Us Rest - (14.04.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The Battle Of Faith - (07.04.21)
Pastor Stephen McBride - A Day In The Life - (31.03.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Don’t Live By Half Truths - (24.03.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The Prayer Of St. Patrick (The Right Conclusion) - (17.03.21)
Nik Godshall - Future Power For Present Problems - (10.03.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The God Of Multiplication - (03.03.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Responding To The Voice Of Fear - (24.02.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Lead To Victory On Dry Ground - (17.02.21)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Shake, Rattle & Roll - (10.02.21)
Pastor John Bailey - He Holds Us In The Palm Of His Hand - (03.02.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Holding on & being held - (27.01.21)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Stay With The Ship - (20.01.21)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - A Fire In The Barn - (16.12.20)
Pastor Sam Moreland - Healing Is The Children’s Bread - (09.12.20)
Pastor Mike Petillo - The Zadok Priesthood - (02.12.20)
Pastor Sam Moreland - Good Grace, Good God - (25.11.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Have You Lost Your Edge? - (18.11.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Reformation - (11.11.20)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Songs God Sings: Part Two - (04.11.20)
Pastor Larry Hill - The Songs God Sings: Part One - (28.10.20)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Anti-Venom (Guard Your Light/How To Heal) - (21.10.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Grit, Guts & Grace (14.10.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Doctrines Of The New Man Pt. 2 (07.10.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Doctrines Of The New Man - (30.09.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Surrendered. Renewed. Transformed. - (23.09.20)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Due Date - (16.09.20)
pastor Nick Cassidy - What Invitation Did You Give Jesus? - (09.09.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - 4 Questions Everyone Ought To Know The Answer To - (02.09.20)
pastor Neil Rhodes - Preserved in the fire of affliction - (26.08.20)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Watch Your Heart - (19.08.20)
Pastor Sam Moreland - Humble Yourself Under The Mighty Hand Of God - (12.08.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Don’t Be Afraid, Only Believe - (05.08.20)
Pastor Larry Hill - Lessons Learned In Lockdown - (29.07.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Finding Power To Lift My Hands Again in Faith - (15.07.20)
pastor Patrick dobbin - love one another - (08.07.20)
Pastor Sam moreland - four names - (01.07.20)
pastor Larry hill - friends of the king - (24.06.20)
Pastor Larry Hill - the stone that has become my rock - (17.06.20)
Jordan Cassidy & Ben Atkins - Hope of glory - (10.06.20)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Repentance: The Forgotten Act of worship - (03.06.20)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Reach Out & Touch Jesus - (28.08.19)
Andy Fynn - Stop Hiding Your Enemy From Its Execution - (07.08.19)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Seek First His Kingdom (Do Not Worry) - (31.07.19)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - DiD I ask you to kill a giant? - (24.07.19)
Pastor Jack Tinney - What Christianity Is To Me - (05.06.19)
Tony Lacerda - Silence & Solitude - (29.05.19)
Pastor Stephen McBride - Christ In The Rain - (22.05.19)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - Baking - (15.05.19)
Dr. Mark Rutland - Treasure to share - (08.05.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - The Doctrine Series: The Church and it’s Mission - (01.05.19)
Pastor Andrew Jackson - Lost things matter - (17.04.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy -The Doctrine Series: How The Church works - (10.04.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Doctrine Series: The Church (Who it is, How it Works and How it Grows) - (03.04.19)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The Doctrine Series: The New Creation (What should We Expect Part 2) - (27.03.19)
Pastor Patrick Dobbin - The Doctrine Series: The New Creation (What should We Expect Part 1) - (20.03.19)
Pastor Stephen McBride - The Doctrine Series: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - (13.03.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Doctrine Series: The Fall and Salvation of Man Part 2 - (06.03.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Doctrine Series: The Fall and Salvation of Man Part 1 - (27.02.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Doctrine Series: The Diety of Christ - (20.02.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Doctrine Series: Who is God? - (13.02.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - The Doctrine Series: The Bible is God’s word - (06.02.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Doctrine Series: The Bible, Doctrine & You - (30.01.19)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - Life In A Bubble - (23.01.19)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Seven Seals: Slothfulness - (05.12.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Seven Seals: Lust - (28.11.18)
Pastor Stephen McBride - The Seven Seals: Greed - (21.11.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Seven Seals: Gluttony - (14.11.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Seven Seals: Gossip - (07.11.18)
Pastor Hamp Sirmans - The Seven Seals: Anger - (31.10.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - The Seven Seals: Pride - (24.10.18)
Pastor Nick Cassidy - Full Surrender - (17.10.18)
Carmello Sanjuan - Life, Hope & Sound - (10.10.18)
Pastor Stephen McBride - The Person Of The Holy Spirit - (30.09.18)